


The Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector comprises establishments that specialize in performing professional, scientific, and technical activities for others. These activities require a high degree of expertise and training. The establishments in this sector specialize according to expertise and provide these services to clients in a variety of industries and, in some cases, to households. Activities performed include legal advice and representation; accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services; architectural, engineering, and specialized design services; computer services; consulting services; research services; advertising services; photographic services; translation and interpretation services; veterinary services; and other professional, scientific, and technical services.

Moore Afghanistan’s NAICS classification numbers include:
541211 Accounting and auditing services, certified public
541910 Opinion research services
541720 Business research and development services
611430 Management development training
541110 Lawyers’ offices
541512 Computer systems integration design consulting services
541611 General management consulting services
541612 Human resource consulting services.



The Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) has been developed by the European Union to facilitate the processing of invitations to tender published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) using a single classification system to describe the subject matter of public contracts.
CPV codification consists of the main vocabulary which defines the subject of the contract, and a supplementary vocabulary to add further qualitative information. The main vocabulary is based on a tree structure made up of codes of up to 9 digits (an eight digit code plus a check digit). This combination of digits is associated with a wording that describes the type of supplies, works or services defining the subject of the contract. A Call for Tender is quite often represented by more than one CPV Code, aiming to give a better and more detailed description of the object of the contract. Commercial organizations promoting public contracts to their members or readers use CPV codes to identify business sectors likely to be interested in specific tenders, along with NUTS Codes which indicate the country and region within which the contract is to be performed.

Moore Afghanistan’s CPV classification numbers include:
79000000-4 Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment.
73000000-2 Research and development services and related consultancy services.
48000000-8 Software package and information systems.
66000000-0 Financial and accounting services.
72000000-5 IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support.
75000000-6 Administration and management services.



Product and Service Codes (PSC) describe the products, services, and research and development projects (R&D) purchased by the federal government. These product/service codes are used to record the products and services being purchased for each contract action.
The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) jointly administer the website. The OFR/GPO partnership developed this unofficial, HTML (XML-based) edition of the daily Federal Register (“Federal Register 2.0″ or “FR2″). We built the HTML edition of the Federal Register to make it easier for citizens and communities to understand the regulatory process and to participate in Government decision-making.

Moore Afghanistan’s PSC classification numbers include:
R703 Accounting Services
R704 Management: Auditing
R408 Professional: Program Management/Support
R418 Professional: Legal
R422 Professional: Market Research/Public Opinion
R431 Professional: Human Resources.



The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®), managed by GS1 US™ for the UN Development Programme (UNDP), is an open, global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services. UNSPSC is an efficient, accurate and flexible classification system for achieving company-wide visibility of spend analysis, as well as, enabling procurement to deliver on cost-effectiveness demands and allowing full exploitation of electronic commerce capabilities. Encompassing a five-level hierarchical classification codeset, UNSPSC enables expenditure analysis at grouping levels relevant to your needs. You can drill down or up to the codeset to see more or less detail as is necessary for business analysis.

Moore Afghanistan’s UNSPSC classification numbers include:
84110000 Accounting and bookkeeping services
84111503 Tax accounting service
84111800 Taxation issues and preparation
43212200 Computer data storage management systems
43221500 Call management systems or accessories
43230000 Information management software
80000000 Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services
80100000 Management advisory services
80121609 Legal Research Services
80141500 Market research
80161500 Management support services
81000000 Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
86132000 Management education and training services
93131703 Research programs
93151603 Budget or public investment management
93151607 Government auditing services.